Date: 7/30/2002, 12:16 am
Hello Mike,
Although by no means are they gospel, here are some dimensions that work pretty well.
I think that the space between the rim and deck and the lip width are most critical - 3/4" allows most all spray skirts (bungee knot included) to fit underneath and a lip that is at least 3/4" wide tends to hold the skirt in place a bit better than one that is narrower. Another consideration is the sharpness of the lip edge - the sharper it is, the better it will prevent the skirt from popping off unexpectedly (however it is easier to damage as well so there is a trade off here).
Redfish Kayaks
: Group
: Can anyone give me the minimums and maximums that you would make these
: dimensions?

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Dimensions for Combing *Pic*
Mike Sundman -- 7/29/2002, 9:48 am- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing *Pic*
Tom -- 7/30/2002, 12:16 pm- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 7/30/2002, 12:16 am- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/29/2002, 11:45 pm- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing
Nick Schade-Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/29/2002, 5:08 pm- combing fillet question.
Myrl Tanton -- 7/29/2002, 1:48 pm- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing *Pic*
Rod Tait -- 7/29/2002, 11:13 am- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing
Mike Sundman -- 7/29/2002, 11:33 am- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing
Rod Tait -- 7/29/2002, 1:24 pm
- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing
- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Dimensions for Combing *Pic*