Date: 8/21/2002, 6:51 pm
: I used clear packing tape (perhaps not the best choice) between hull &
: deck, & of course it was in pretty poor shape by the time I separated
: the hull & deck, yesterday. There's tiny bits of tape still stuck, and
: patches of residue from the tape adhesive.
: All of this is on the sheer clamp, so I need to make sure its clean to get a
: good epoxy bond, when the time comes. What's the best way to (1) remove
: what I can see, and (2) make sure there's no invisible bits or residue
: remaining that will interfere with the epoxy.
: Thanks;
: Ken
Hey Ken,
When I used packing tape to join deck and hull in preparation for the inside seam, I couldn't believe the mess I had when trying to get the tape off! I had adhesive and remnants of tape everywhere. I tried several things to cut the adhesive and found that acetone worked better than anything I had.
For those who are in the process of removing the tape NOW, try pulling it sideways instead of straight up. It seems to work better for some reason. Go Figure!
Good Luck and Happy Building. Charles.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Tape residue
KenC -- 8/20/2002, 11:32 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Joe -- 8/24/2002, 7:58 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Joe Greenley -- 8/24/2002, 11:49 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Charles Leach -- 8/24/2002, 9:58 pm - Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
- Re: Strip: Tape residue
johnh -- 8/21/2002, 8:43 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Charles Leach -- 8/21/2002, 6:51 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Ron Hagedorn -- 8/21/2002, 2:52 pm- A timely question.
Myrl Tanton -- 8/21/2002, 11:44 am- Re: A timely question.
Pee Man -- 10/26/2003, 10:30 am- Is This Pee Man For Real?? *NM*
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 12:25 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
ChrisO -- 10/26/2003, 1:04 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 3:37 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
ChrisO -- 10/26/2003, 5:10 pm- Crunchy, dry leaves are no good though.
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 11:30 pm- for you or the snake
Kurt Hoffman -- 10/27/2003, 10:19 am- Hard to say.....
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/27/2003, 6:34 pm
- Hard to say.....
- for you or the snake
- Crunchy, dry leaves are no good though.
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Can someone post the answer AGAIN??
Joe -- 8/21/2002, 3:44 pm- Re: A timely question.
Scott Dollmeyer -- 8/21/2002, 3:13 pm- Re: A timely question. *NM*
Pee Man -- 10/26/2003, 10:32 am
- Is This Pee Man For Real?? *NM*
- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Patsy -- 8/21/2002, 7:52 am - Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?