Date: 12/5/2002, 7:06 pm
: Here's a photo of the current state of the model I'm building. The seal coat
: for the deck took about 3/4 oz. of epoxy. You sure can save on material
: costs building miniature kayaks.
: Ross
Thanks for the update Ross,
That is definately a First Rate model. Looks great! I am very curious to know what you think the value is on one of these models, if you were to offer it for sale. Could you make money selling them(?) is probably a more appropriate question. Email me if that's more convenient. If you really haven't given it any thought, or you just feel like telling me that it's none of my damn business, that's fine too.
The market for these types of handcrafted, custom works of art would sell like crazy, here in Bellingham, WA. You just don't see any of them in any of the fancy art shops. I honestly think that if anyone is going to make some money selling kayaks, they'll sell more display models, by far. I also think that for a display in someone's house, bigger looks better, and more impressive. And more expensive. I consider 5 feet(plus) about the optimum length or 1/3 scale. The Cirrus hybrid I'm building is 6 feet long, and I am selling that one (already have a buyer) but have no idea for how much.
How much time do you think you will have into this model once its completed?
Thanks for any/all info you're willing to share. I truely appreciate it.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Model update *LINK* *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 5:08 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Bobby Curtis -- 12/5/2002, 7:37 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 10:34 pm- Correction
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 11:45 pm
- Correction
- Re: Strip: Model update
Scott Ferguson -- 12/5/2002, 7:06 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 11:05 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Bill Price -- 12/6/2002, 4:27 pm- Re: SOF Models
KenC -- 12/6/2002, 4:12 pm- Re: SOF Models (Pricing)
Roger Nuffer -- 12/6/2002, 6:39 pm- Re: Models (Pricing)
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 11:57 pm
- Re: SOF Models *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 5:24 pm- 1hr model sof skinning *Pic*
mike allen -- 12/6/2002, 10:35 pm- Re: 1hr model sof skinning
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 11:46 pm
- Re: 1hr model sof skinning
- Re: Models (Pricing)
- Model prices, Yours looks like a million bucks! *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 2:23 pm- put a motor in them and RC options
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/6/2002, 8:20 pm- Plug, bagging and fast epoxy cut pdt.time.
Tony -- 12/6/2002, 7:44 pm- That one word "Production"...
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 11:35 pm
- Re: I'm book marking this site
Roger Nuffer -- 12/6/2002, 6:25 pm- Re: Model prices, Yours looks like a million bucks
Steve Rasmussen -- 12/6/2002, 3:10 pm- Re: Model prices based on length *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 5:05 pm
- Plug, bagging and fast epoxy cut pdt.time.
- Re: SOF Models
- why not turn them into water walkers?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/5/2002, 10:12 pm- bike / water walkers?
Tony -- 12/6/2002, 7:38 pm- well actually, I DO have plans for a pontoon bike
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/6/2002, 8:08 pm- Hydrofoils *LINK* *Pic*
Bill Price -- 12/9/2002, 11:53 am
- Hydrofoils *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Another good PGJ idea, Looks like fun!
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 1:23 pm - well actually, I DO have plans for a pontoon bike
- Re: Strip: Model update
- Re: Strip: Model update *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 12/5/2002, 5:32 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 10:48 pm- Re: Wavelength Magazine - Homebuilt Issue
Chip Sandresky -- 12/6/2002, 12:32 pm
- Re: Wavelength Magazine - Homebuilt Issue
- Re: Strip: Model update
- Re: Strip: Model update