Date: 12/6/2002, 7:44 pm
: The link below has 5 foot strip built model canoes selling for $550! That's
: the only site that I've found selling model canoes. No model kayak sites,
: at least not that I've seen. But let's just say that it takes him 50 to 60
: hours to build one of these, which is quite possible, he's earning less
: that $10/hour for his labor by the time you figure a rather small
: materials expense.
: That's cool if it's just a hobby, like it is for me and many others, if it
: helps support the materials costs, but I honestly can't see doing THAT
: full-time. Not at $10/hour.
If you are into mass producing model, you can use a male plug. Vaccum bagging can be done on a 5 feet model. With vaccum bagging, you can move up to fast curring epoxy. All these can cut back on production time.
: The only real benefit of building small sized kayaks to sell that I see is
: that it would be fairly easy to find buyers. Everyone that I've shown my
: models to (most are not even into kayaks) want one. Not that these people
: are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on one, but those that are
: willing are out there. The guy that wants one of my models did not even
: blink an eye when I showed him this canoe site and the $550 price tag. I
: actually thought he was going to order the canoe, but he said he would
: much rather have about a six foot kayak, so I agreed to build him one.
: I spent some time last night thinking about this and concluded that I would
: set the prices for a quality kayak model, that's built just like the
: full-sized, to be based mostly on size alone and time spent to be around
: $180-250 for my 1-2 foot models, $250-400 for my 3-4 foot models and
: $400-600 for my 5-6 foot models. I realize the prices are high and have
: quite a range, but I think it would totally depend on the quality of each
: particular boat.
: I was going to email you my thoughts Ross, but felt it was better to be
: honest and up front with this entire group of builders to hopefully get
: some (positive) feedback. By the way, even when I start my little craft
: business, I'll keep my day job. I've been working here (survey CAD tech.)
: from 6am to 5pm 5 days a week for the last 11 years, and it's fed my
: family of six just fine. Now in order to gain some free-time for model
: construction, I'll need to convince my wife into working full-time
: Thanks to everyone for listening to me ramble, please let me know what you
: think. Off-line (email) is fine also.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Model update *LINK* *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 5:08 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Bobby Curtis -- 12/5/2002, 7:37 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 10:34 pm- Correction
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 11:45 pm
- Correction
- Re: Strip: Model update
Scott Ferguson -- 12/5/2002, 7:06 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 11:05 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Bill Price -- 12/6/2002, 4:27 pm- Re: SOF Models
KenC -- 12/6/2002, 4:12 pm- Re: SOF Models (Pricing)
Roger Nuffer -- 12/6/2002, 6:39 pm- Re: Models (Pricing)
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 11:57 pm
- Re: SOF Models *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 5:24 pm- 1hr model sof skinning *Pic*
mike allen -- 12/6/2002, 10:35 pm- Re: 1hr model sof skinning
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 11:46 pm
- Re: 1hr model sof skinning
- Re: Models (Pricing)
- Model prices, Yours looks like a million bucks! *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 2:23 pm- put a motor in them and RC options
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/6/2002, 8:20 pm- Plug, bagging and fast epoxy cut pdt.time.
Tony -- 12/6/2002, 7:44 pm- That one word "Production"...
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 11:35 pm
- Re: I'm book marking this site
Roger Nuffer -- 12/6/2002, 6:25 pm- Re: Model prices, Yours looks like a million bucks
Steve Rasmussen -- 12/6/2002, 3:10 pm- Re: Model prices based on length *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 5:05 pm
- Plug, bagging and fast epoxy cut pdt.time.
- Re: SOF Models
- why not turn them into water walkers?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/5/2002, 10:12 pm- bike / water walkers?
Tony -- 12/6/2002, 7:38 pm- well actually, I DO have plans for a pontoon bike
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/6/2002, 8:08 pm- Hydrofoils *LINK* *Pic*
Bill Price -- 12/9/2002, 11:53 am
- Hydrofoils *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Another good PGJ idea, Looks like fun!
Scott Ferguson -- 12/6/2002, 1:23 pm - well actually, I DO have plans for a pontoon bike
- Re: Strip: Model update
- Re: Strip: Model update *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 12/5/2002, 5:32 pm- Re: Strip: Model update
Ross Leidy -- 12/5/2002, 10:48 pm- Re: Wavelength Magazine - Homebuilt Issue
Chip Sandresky -- 12/6/2002, 12:32 pm
- Re: Wavelength Magazine - Homebuilt Issue
- Re: Strip: Model update
- Re: Strip: Model update