Re: wood choices
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 12/11/2002, 7:24 pm
Date: 12/11/2002, 7:24 pm
In Response To: Re: What's next for Shawn Baker? (Chip Sandresky)
: That's really slick Shawn. I especially like the way the two colors of
: plywood worked out.
Actually just one....okoume. All the spruce is strips. Deck strips are philippine mahogany.
Coaming is maple and mahogany.
Recess is spruce and WRC.
Outer stem strips are ash (gotta have outer stems..even on a S&G--something denser under the glass than okoume).
I'm not particular to any one wood!
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Cormorant 16 - Finally!! *LINK* *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 12/10/2002, 10:22 am- Congratulations
mike allen -- 12/11/2002, 11:50 am- Re: Launching: Cormorant 16 - Finally!!
Bobby Curtis -- 12/11/2002, 7:42 am- Re: Flat decks, no reinforcement
Shawn Baker -- 12/11/2002, 2:14 pm
- Re: Launching: Cormorant 16 - Finally!!
Ken Sutherland -- 12/11/2002, 1:36 am- Re: What's next for Shawn Baker?
Scott Ferguson -- 12/10/2002, 6:50 pm- Re: What's next for Shawn Baker? *LINK* *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 12/11/2002, 2:11 pm- SWEET!!
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/12/2002, 6:09 am- Re: SWEET!!
Shawn Baker -- 12/12/2002, 10:09 am
- Re: What's next for Shawn Baker?
Chip Sandresky -- 12/11/2002, 2:48 pm- Re: wood choices
Shawn Baker -- 12/11/2002, 7:24 pm
- So where's the harpoon holder go?
Mike and Rikki -- 12/11/2002, 2:46 pm- I'll second that! or is it third?, forth?, fifth? *NM*
Robert -- 12/13/2002, 2:30 am- Re: So where's the harpoon holder go?
Shawn Baker -- 12/11/2002, 7:25 pm- Re: So where's the harpoon holder go?
Mike and Rikki -- 12/13/2002, 11:01 pm- Re: bird dart *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 12/13/2002, 11:33 pm
- Re: bird dart *Pic*
- Re: So where's the harpoon holder go?
- Beautiful !!!!!
Scott Ferguson -- 12/11/2002, 2:21 pm - Re: SWEET!!
- Re: Launching: Must see pictures! *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 12/10/2002, 11:31 am- Yahoo
Don Flowers -- 12/10/2002, 11:03 am- Congratulations!
Rick Allnutt -- 12/10/2002, 10:36 am- Re: Congratulations! *LINK*
Shawn Baker -- 12/10/2002, 1:04 pm
- Re: Launching: Cormorant 16 - Finally!!
- Congratulations