Re: Surf Ski Offsets
By:John Schroeder
Date: 1/5/2003, 8:03 pm
Date: 1/5/2003, 8:03 pm
In Response To: Off Topic: Surf Ski (Julian English)
: I am looking for a table of offsets for surf skis. If this interests anyone
: please email me.
I've been toying around with doing one as well, but I'm not going to get to it this year. If you come up with some offsets, I'd love to get a copy. Otherwise, I'll take offsets from a board and wing the remainder.
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Surf Ski
Julian English -- 1/5/2003, 7:18 am- Re: Surf Ski Offsets
John Schroeder -- 1/5/2003, 8:03 pm
- Re: Surf Ski Offsets