Date: 1/22/2003, 7:16 pm
: Thanks for all of the great info. It will really help this first time
: builder. I am planning to build a Spring Run later this year, I already
: have the plans and have my form cut. I will be milling my own B&C strips.
: My wife keeps asking me how much this venture is going to cost from start
: to finish. I hate to lie to her (at least until I have all the facts).
: What is an average cost for building a stripper?
depends on size, material, location, effeciency, equipment.
I've heare $400 for the low end, $900 for the high end, $1300 for all of the pieces shipped to you in a box
a 6-qt kit of raka ( will be $79, 3 gal kit from raka will cost $129.00, A 3 gal kit of system3 ( will cost $147, and 3 gal kit of System 3 Clear coat will run $219.
10yd of 5oz (40in) from raka will cost $37.50, 10 yd of 6oz (50in) from raka will cost $42.70, from fiberlay $64.20
a ball park estament will be about 3 gal epoxy, 20yd of glass. Add another $100 for shipping, handleing, tax, and misc goodies like sand paper, gloves adn such brings the total to aroudn $400
then theres varnish, seats, bungees, deck gear, hatch gear, foot rests, that piece of cherry for accent peices for $12.00/bf and so on that can get expendy
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: How much?
Brian Steffke -- 1/22/2003, 6:04 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
Tony -- 1/23/2003, 2:58 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
Don Flowers -- 1/23/2003, 3:16 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
Dave Houser -- 1/23/2003, 3:34 pm
- Re: Strip: How much?
- Re: Strip: How much?
Kyle T -- 1/23/2003, 1:01 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
don flowers -- 1/22/2003, 10:23 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
Jim Kozel -- 1/23/2003, 10:06 am- Re: AMEN BROTHER, AMEN!!
Steve Frederick -- 1/23/2003, 8:22 pm
- Re: Strip: How much?
Lennie Hawkins -- 1/22/2003, 8:41 pm- intervention?? can't be for us-- you go Lennie *NM*
Charles Leach -- 1/22/2003, 10:33 pm
- Re: Strip: How much?
Gordon Snapp -- 1/22/2003, 8:35 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/22/2003, 7:24 pm- Re: Strip: How much?
Jeff The Tall -- 1/22/2003, 7:16 pm - Re: Strip: How much?
- Re: Strip: How much?