In the illustration below is several ways of handling the sheerjoint. Pictured are forms 8 through 12 of the boat Michael is building.
Row A is the way I normally handle the joint. I try to bevel the edge of the sheer strip such that it creates an angle that bisects the angle between the deck and the hull. There should be marks on the form patterns showing this angle, they are shown in blue in this picture. The advantage of this is it makes it so you nver need to put an extreme angle on the edge of the strip. Ideally you should never need more thatn a 45 deg.
Row B seems to be the situation that Michael is in now. He made the top of the sheer on the hull a right angle. Because of this, somewhere around form 10 he needs to make a transition from beveling the edge of the strip to putting a little bevel on the side of the strip. This should be possible although a little confusing to visualize.
Row C seems to be what you are proposing. With this method the bead on the edge of the deck would touch the hull at one point. This produces gaps (light blue) which could be filled. It may work but it doesn't seem to be the best solution. There would also be a gap on the top edge near form 12 where the bead touches below
If Michael has the opportunity I would recommend trying to do it like row A. But if the strips are already in place he should be able to do it like row B. It may require having some of the strip hang off a little more than necessary, but the excess can be cleaned up later. Get it as close as possible to tight now, then when the deck and hull are glassed you can do some final adjustment to get a tight fit.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Accomodating twist at hull to deck joint *Pic*
Brian Nystrom -- 2/4/2003, 12:57 pm- Re: Strip: Accomodating twist at hull to deck join
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/4/2003, 5:31 pm- Re: Strip: Accomodating twist at hull to deck join *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/4/2003, 2:53 pm- Re: Strip: Accomodating twist at hull to deck join
mike allen -- 2/4/2003, 1:42 pm - Re: Strip: Accomodating twist at hull to deck join *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Accomodating twist at hull to deck join