Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe 

By:Kent LeBoutillier
Date: 2/14/2003, 6:07 am
Date: 2/14/2003, 6:07 am
In Response To: It wasn't very good on my canoe
(Paul G. Jacobson)

: Red oak looks great, but this time I'll seal them with epoxy before
: varnishing, and probably make them from a less expensive wood.
Red oak and epxoy don't mix. The acid in the wood causes epoxy not to adhere for long. Stick with ash for gunnels
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
sage -- 2/10/2003, 5:16 pm- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/11/2003, 7:52 pm- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
Rick Allnutt -- 2/11/2003, 1:26 pm- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
sage -- 2/11/2003, 7:27 pm- 19 feet, first guess for flotation
Rick Allnutt -- 2/12/2003, 9:15 am
- 19 feet, first guess for flotation
- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
sing -- 2/11/2003, 7:59 am- P.S. - Cost
sing -- 2/11/2003, 8:09 am- red oak not for boat.
Tony -- 2/11/2003, 7:41 pm- white oak
Jeff The Tall -- 2/12/2003, 2:12 pm- Re: white oak
Brian Nystrom -- 2/13/2003, 12:37 pm- Re: white oak
Jeff The Tall -- 2/13/2003, 4:56 pm
- Re: white oak
- Red oak is fine for kayaks
Brian Nystrom -- 2/12/2003, 1:39 pm- It wasn't very good on my canoe
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/12/2003, 10:46 pm- Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
Kent LeBoutillier -- 2/14/2003, 6:07 am- Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
Brian Nystrom -- 2/13/2003, 12:33 pm - Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
- Re: It wasn't very good on my canoe
- Re: red oak not for boat.
sing -- 2/12/2003, 10:02 am - Re: white oak
- white oak
- red oak not for boat.
- 101 looks and no second oppinions????
Sage -- 2/11/2003, 3:09 am- Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
Rehd -- 2/11/2003, 9:53 am- Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
sage -- 2/11/2003, 7:10 pm- why no green?? *NM*
sage -- 2/11/2003, 7:11 pm- Only rehd, no greehn *NM*
Larry -- 2/11/2003, 8:22 pm- You guys are giving me a hehd-ache.
Brian Nystrom -- 2/12/2003, 1:41 pm
- cause Sage spent it all buying books! *NM*
Tony -- 2/11/2003, 7:33 pm - You guys are giving me a hehd-ache.
- Only rehd, no greehn *NM*
- why no green?? *NM*
- Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
Jeff The Tall -- 2/11/2003, 6:31 am - Re: 101 looks and no second oppinions????
- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!
- Re: Seeking: Have a friend that needs a few yaks!