: I need to turn a Chesapeake 18 and a 17 into "Easy Rider" style
: take-aparts, so I can check them as luggage. The idea is to cut them into
: thirds, bulkhead off each section, then re-attach with machine bolts,
: epoxy, ?
: Can this be done without losing massive amounts of strength? Has anyone here
: done it? Can you help me figure out the details? I got a saw in one hand
: and the boats on the horses, and I'm ready to start cutting!
: Thanks!
Yes, you can do it. Donnie at Boatcraft here in Edmonton has just finished building a beautiful 12' take-apart S&G that breaks down into three sections. Cut your yak into three sections. The cuts should be done right next the the bulkheads, assuming you have a front and rear bulkhead. Make new bulkheads for the cut sections so that when it goes back together two bulkheads touch, one from each section. The bulkheads must be perfectly flush to ensure the strongest connection when the sections are connected. The touching bulkheads should have a minimum of 4 T-bolts set in the bulkheads within 2 inches or so from the hull placed to provie maximun support. You can fashion knobs to make unscrewing the bolts simple. If you have any more questions let me know and I'll try to answer them. I only know about this coz I saw it not because I built it.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Take-apart single...
Brandon -- 2/26/2003, 11:09 pm- Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
LeeG -- 2/28/2003, 11:47 am- Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
Brandon -- 3/2/2003, 2:14 am- Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/3/2003, 11:05 pm - Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
LeeG -- 3/2/2003, 11:40 am
- Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
- Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
- Another Take-apart single... *LINK*
grant -- 2/27/2003, 10:17 am - Re: S&G: Take-apart single... *LINK*
sage -- 2/26/2003, 11:36 pm - Re: S&G: Take-apart single...
Robert N Pruden -- 2/26/2003, 11:31 pm
- Re: S&G: Take-apart single...