Boat Building Forum

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Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK* *Pic*
By:Kurt Maurer
Date: 3/20/2003, 10:27 am

Greetings, O Learned Ones:

Leslie and I are having troubles with our... um... lower posteriors. We had been using "Seattle Sports" seats made for sit-on-tops, and they really worked well in concert with the molded-in seats our plastic boats had. But on the flat bottom Mill Creeks, they give us a... well... flat bottom, you might say. Or in other words, three or four hours in them will cause us to tell everything we know, and sing like birds in general.

I am resigned that I must now make form-fitting seats. But I would very much like to avoid the expense of genuine mini cell. So I throw it out to this board: has anyone any great ideas for making seats on the cheap... that provide reasonable comfort for hours on, ahem, end? Or should I just bite the bullet and cough up the dough for the real deal? Thanks!

Kurt & Leslie

Charter Members: Happy Bottom Qayaq Qlub.

Photo Caption: I suspect more experienced paddlers shook their heads when they saw our seats...

Messages In This Thread

Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/20/2003, 10:27 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
LeeG -- 3/21/2003, 9:41 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 3/21/2003, 3:35 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/21/2003, 11:30 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 3/26/2003, 3:55 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK* *Pic*
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 3/26/2003, 4:05 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 3/23/2003, 6:36 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Gordon Snapp -- 3/21/2003, 12:34 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
srchr/gerald -- 3/20/2003, 5:53 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK*
Don Lucas -- 3/20/2003, 8:41 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/21/2003, 12:16 am
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Don Lucas -- 3/21/2003, 10:43 am
can you explain hybrid
Frank Eberdt -- 3/21/2003, 10:57 am
Re: can you explain hybrid
Don Lucas -- 3/21/2003, 3:08 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief *LINK*
David Hill -- 3/20/2003, 5:39 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Jay Babina -- 3/20/2003, 5:02 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Rob P -- 3/20/2003, 3:49 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Matthew -- 3/20/2003, 1:52 pm
Re: Seeking: Fanny Relief
Jim Kozel -- 3/20/2003, 12:24 pm
Re: Try a little Mold...
Rehd -- 3/20/2003, 12:19 pm
Two words: Glass seats
Shawn Baker -- 3/20/2003, 10:46 am
Re: Two words: Glass seats *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 3/20/2003, 11:57 am
Re: Two words: Glass seats
Shawn Baker -- 3/20/2003, 4:38 pm
How well do your seats fit others?
Dan Ruff -- 3/20/2003, 5:09 pm
Fit me fine
Don Flowers -- 3/20/2003, 8:51 pm