Re: Interpretation *Pic*
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 4/14/2003, 11:37 am
Date: 4/14/2003, 11:37 am
In Response To: Launching: Hybrid Cormorant Piqqalujamik takujumavunga *LINK* *Pic* (Andy Waddington)
That is just gorgeous, Andy!!!!!
Isn't the Cormorant's secondary stability just solid?!!
I superimposed images of your Cormorant and my Cormorant over the photo of the original Cormorant rendering from Grant's website. It's interesting how Grant's design let us make some different interpretations and come up with kayaks with striking similarities, yet beautiful and functional differences.
: My Hybrid cormorant got her bottom wet April 9th, just over three and a half
: months after cutting the first scarf for the hull panels.
From someone who took 24 months of off-and-on building....well done!!!

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Hybrid Cormorant Piqqalujamik takujumavunga *LINK* *Pic*
Andy Waddington -- 4/14/2003, 7:53 am- Great job, Foul Ole Ron! *NM* *NM*
PBM -- 4/15/2003, 1:46 pm- Re: Great job Andy, Gorgeous boat. Congrats. *NM*
Scott Ferguson -- 4/15/2003, 12:47 pm- Re: Interpretation *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 4/14/2003, 11:37 am- Interpretations
charles w -- 4/14/2003, 4:43 pm- Oops! Meant that to be a pic! *NM* *Pic*
charles w -- 4/14/2003, 4:45 pm
- Oops! Meant that to be a pic! *NM* *Pic*
- Very nice...boat ...and site....
srchr/gerald -- 4/14/2003, 10:38 am- Beautiful Work ! Great site. *NM*
Tom Yost -- 4/14/2003, 9:27 am - Re: Great job Andy, Gorgeous boat. Congrats. *NM*
- Great job, Foul Ole Ron! *NM* *NM*