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Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
By:Rob Peterson
Date: 4/16/2003, 4:28 pm
In Response To: Other: raidio checks (Sage)

: I have found that in southern cal. that I have not been able to receive a
: response to a radio check in the last 5 times that I have brought a VHF
: radio.

: In the one time that we needed to use the VHF we had to send someone out to a
: motorboat and request that they turn on their radio to talk to them!

: What are some of your experiences.

: In July when the 406 Mhz satellite EPRBS go on sale I will buy one. This way
: if I get in trouble I know that someone is on the way within 3 minutes!!!.

: Sage

If you're calling on a radio that is actually sending and NO ONE answers, what are the chances that the Coast Guard isn't listening either. If they were, why didn't THEY respond when no one else did? So, either the radio isn't transmitting, or the CG can't be bothered to reply to radio traffic requesting a check of safety equipment. Seems odd that the one gov't agency mandated to ensure our safety won't get off their butts and answer a radio call.

Messages In This Thread

Other: raidio checks
Sage -- 4/16/2003, 4:16 pm
GMDSS and Kayakers
Ken -- 4/17/2003, 5:06 pm
Re: Other: raidio checks
Dave Miller -- 4/17/2003, 8:40 am
Other: radio checks
Jim in ND -- 4/17/2003, 12:15 pm
Re: Other: raidio checks
Mark Normand -- 4/17/2003, 8:36 am
Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Rob Peterson -- 4/16/2003, 4:28 pm
Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Ed Falis -- 4/16/2003, 6:28 pm
Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Mark Woodhead -- 4/17/2003, 1:04 am
Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Shawn Baker -- 4/17/2003, 10:58 am
Ed Falis -- 4/17/2003, 8:25 am