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Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
By:Mark Woodhead
Date: 4/17/2003, 1:04 am

Leaving the "politics" of your comment alone, I still have to pipe in here. I got my VHF radio several years ago, before 9-11, and had exactly the same response here in Santa Cruz, CA. This despite the fact that the CG operates two boats here and has an office with full-time staff. It left me feeling that no one listens or cares around here, the CG included.

By contrast, when I was in Bahia Concepcion in Baja, there were far fewer boats around, but if you did either a radio check or a request for info, there was no shortage of responses at all. The locals and the long-term tourists would respond immediately.

This has left me feeling that my VHF radio is pretty much useless here in Santa Cruz, so I rarely bother to stuff it into my PFD. I think my strobe and whistle are far more likely to generate a response (IMHO).


: Maybe they're too busy "defending freedom" over in Iraq. You can
: take the politics behind that comment as you please, but a lot of the
: Coast Guard was sent to the Gulf to defend the forces against terrorists
: in February, so they're likely running on low at home these days.

: - Ed

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Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Mark Woodhead -- 4/17/2003, 1:04 am
Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
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Ed Falis -- 4/17/2003, 8:25 am