Date: 4/17/2003, 8:40 am
: I have found that in southern cal. that I have not been able to receive a
: response to a radio check in the last 5 times that I have brought a VHF
: radio.
I am in southern England, and don't bother with VHF any more. Since the advent of GMDSS and the direct dialling facility few people seem to keep a listening watch on channel 16 any more, and as ships don't contact via ch 16, I don't know what big stuff is around, only small craft.
: In July when the 406 Mhz satellite EPRBS go on sale I will buy one. This way
: if I get in trouble I know that someone is on the way within 3 minutes!!!.
Again, here it's not all it's cracked up to be. Due to the very high number of false triggers our Coastguard don't neccessarily scramble when a signal is received - it can be up to 12 hours unless they believe it is a false trigger when they ignore it.
Some small EPIRBS may have difficulty contacting the satellite. There was a case of a small 'EPIRB' marketed for kayaking and dinghy sailing over here that turned out to be a low range man-overboard locator, similar to an avalanch transponder, for use with a DF handset on the yacht. It would never reach a satellite.
I suggest you have a good chat to your local Coastguard Control Centre to make sure that reality is up to your expectations, and get the manufacturer's full specifications, not the shop's sales pitch.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: raidio checks
Sage -- 4/16/2003, 4:16 pm- GMDSS and Kayakers
Ken -- 4/17/2003, 5:06 pm- Re: Other: raidio checks
Dave Miller -- 4/17/2003, 8:40 am- Other: radio checks
Jim in ND -- 4/17/2003, 12:15 pm
- Re: Other: raidio checks
Mark Normand -- 4/17/2003, 8:36 am- Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Rob Peterson -- 4/16/2003, 4:28 pm- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Ed Falis -- 4/16/2003, 6:28 pm- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Mark Woodhead -- 4/17/2003, 1:04 am- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
Shawn Baker -- 4/17/2003, 10:58 am- Apology
Ed Falis -- 4/17/2003, 8:25 am - Apology
- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
- Re: Seems to me that the CG is screwing up here
- Re: Other: raidio checks
- GMDSS and Kayakers