Date: 5/10/2003, 10:05 am
: My site is back up after a few days of experiencing the joys of switching
: hosts. I believe I transferred all the content, but if anyone finds any
: stale links, feel free to let me know.
: The KayakFoundry bbs messages were lost, however. Although I have all the
: files from the old host, I couldn't seem to jump-start them to life on the
: new host. If anyone knows any tricks to transferring WebBBS files from one
: system to another, please let me know and I'll take another go at it.
You might try contacting Greg Stamer. He moved the QajaqUSA BBS from one server to another...I think he had everything archived, so may have been a bit easier..
There was about a week's worth of messages lost in the switch.
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: is back
Ross Leidy -- 5/10/2003, 8:56 am- Re: Announce: is back
srchr/gerald -- 5/10/2003, 11:34 am - Re: Announce: is back
Shawn Baker -- 5/10/2003, 10:05 am- Re: figured it out
Ross Leidy -- 5/10/2003, 10:44 am- Re: figured it out
Glen Smith -- 5/10/2003, 10:47 am- Re: DNS propagation lag
Ross Leidy -- 5/10/2003, 11:01 am
- Re: DNS propagation lag
- Re: figured it out
- Re: figured it out
- Re: Announce: is back