Re: Other: Buffing and varnishing
Date: 5/12/2003, 6:27 pm
Date: 5/12/2003, 6:27 pm
In Response To: Other: Buffing and varnishing (Leigh Tuttle)
: how many re-coats of varnish do people suggest?
You need a total of 12% UV inhibitor to protect the epoxy. If your varnish contains 3% UV inhibitor you will need 4 coats. You may be putting it on a little thin compared to normal thicknesses in marine applications so I think it's wise to put on a bit more. On my Outer Island I did 4 coats on the hull and 7 on the deck. I used 7 on the deck because I wanted to be sure I had good UV protection, because I sanded thoroughly and because ... I had a couple-o-problems getting a good smooth coat ... it took a bit of trouble shooting and thinking to figure out what my problem was!
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Buffing and varnishing
Leigh Tuttle -- 5/12/2003, 1:50 pm- Re: Other: Buffing and varnishing
Jay Babina -- 5/13/2003, 9:40 am - Re: Other: Buffing and varnishing
Ken -- 5/12/2003, 6:27 pm - Re: Other: Buffing and varnishing
Russ Chambers -- 5/12/2003, 6:01 pm - Re: Other: Buffing and varnishing
Dan G -- 5/12/2003, 3:24 pm
- Re: Other: Buffing and varnishing