: Do you (or does anybody else) have a recommendation for a good knife to carry
: while sea kayaking? I assume you have yours attached to your PFD? Do you
: prefer a blunt tip or pointed?
Gerber River shorty is compact, regular Gerbers work fine also, small dive knives, one of the sharpest blades especially for rope and line are the Spyderco knives (they come fixed or folding and the folding ones open quickly one-handed with your thumb). Knives don't float, sometimes I add some foam wrapped in bright electrical tape.
When you fasten it to your PFD, make sure you don't have some part of the sheath or knife sticking up or out where it can catch on a line or bungee when doing any type of reentry.
I've seen people snag knives, whistles, etc. and not be able to reenter kayaks and rafts when they needed to. Have also seen whistles fastened to PFD zippers, catch and unzip the PFD and compromise floatation and safety.
I usually grind the tip down a bit if it is very pointed, just to protect my fingers, dry suit, etc. from accidental pokes and tears.
Some people have used parachute hook type blades (seat belt type slicers) for safety but I have trouble spreading my peanut butter with them.
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 4:25 pm- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Ian in Vancouver -- 5/14/2003, 7:59 pm- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Don Lucas -- 5/14/2003, 9:09 pm- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/15/2003, 11:09 am- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
Ross Sieber -- 5/15/2003, 12:24 pm
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
- Never use an eye bolt for towing *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 7:51 pm- Re: Never use an eye bolt for towing
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 8:24 pm- Which Knife for Kayaking?
Gordon Snapp -- 5/15/2003, 12:40 am- Re: Opinel *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 5/16/2003, 2:05 pm- I keep one in my cook kit.
Brian Nystrom -- 5/19/2003, 12:38 pm
- No more knives for me.. *Pic*
Brian Nystrom -- 5/16/2003, 12:35 pm- Re: Which Knife for Kayaking?
Shawn Baker -- 5/15/2003, 3:31 pm- Re: Which Knife for Kayaking?
Randy Knauff -- 5/15/2003, 2:35 am - I keep one in my cook kit.
- I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 11:09 pm- Re: I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
Kyle T -- 5/15/2003, 8:13 am- Re: I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
Shawn Baker -- 5/15/2003, 3:28 pm
- Re: I can butter a bagel in 0.8 seconds!
- Re: Opinel *Pic*
- Which Knife for Kayaking?
- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
LeeG -- 5/14/2003, 6:48 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Roy Morford -- 5/14/2003, 6:41 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:17 pm
- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Dave S -- 5/14/2003, 6:38 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:15 pm- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 6:58 pm- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:52 pm- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
Shawn Baker -- 5/14/2003, 7:54 pm
- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
- Re: tow points must be near cockpit
- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 5/14/2003, 6:36 pm- Re: Material: Shoulder eye bolt for bow and stern *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 5/14/2003, 7:21 pm- We have a winner!!! *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2003, 7:20 pm - We have a winner!!! *Pic*
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy
- Re: eye bolt "threads" in epoxy