Date: 5/20/2003, 4:15 am
: Charles,
: Did you get tiny white spots in the fill coats? I got these specks on my
: daughter's Explorer after scraping and re-coating when the epoxy was
: green...I wonder if it is the same cause??
: Steve
Did you put some pressure on it before the other side was glassed and strong enough?
Try this. Glass both sides of a wood strip. After it cures bend it until the glass starts to fail. The compression side will start getting white spots on the weave.
I figured this out when white spots started showing up on the sides of my kayak at the fwd epoxy filled end. I thought it was wierd because expanding epoxy should have put the outside in tension, but someone mentioned that epoxy shrinks when it cures which makes sense as that would put it in compression.
On my future kayaks I'm going to put a block of wood in the ends like Joe Greenley does, instead of filling the ends with epoxy.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Voutour
Joe Voutour -- 5/18/2003, 11:56 pm- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto *LINK*
Steve Frederick -- 5/19/2003, 8:15 am - Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto
Charles Leach -- 5/19/2003, 2:28 am- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 5/19/2003, 10:25 am- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto
Dale Frolander -- 5/20/2003, 4:15 am - Re: Epoxy: White specks after scraping/sanding
Charles Leach -- 5/19/2003, 12:13 pm - Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto
srchr/gerald -- 5/19/2003, 11:23 am- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto
Steve Frederick -- 5/19/2003, 12:08 pm
- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto
- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto
- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto *Pic*
- Re: Epoxy: Air Pockets+ too much epoxy - Joe Vouto *LINK*