Re: Strip: gluing strips
By:Dave Sprygada
Date: 5/28/2003, 10:39 pm
Date: 5/28/2003, 10:39 pm
In Response To: Strip: gluing strips (Brian H)
I took a 12 inch piece of leftover striping and shaved it into a wedge, much like the bevel of a wood chisel. After applying the strip clamps, I used the wedged end to "scoop" the oozing glue up off the boat. Wiping the stick off with a paper towel every 6 inches or so insured that almost all of it ended up on the stick and not on the boat. I had very little dried glue to scrape and for the most part it was just removed with the block plane during fairing. Once the glue dries on the end of the stick, it becomes less effective than a nice soft edge so trim it every so often. Hope it helps...
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: gluing strips
Brian H -- 5/28/2003, 7:20 pm- Re: Strip: gluing strips
JJ Atkinson -- 5/29/2003, 11:49 am- Re: Strip: gluing strips
Rob Macks -- 5/29/2003, 9:46 am- Re: Strip: gluing strips
Lennie Hawkins -- 5/29/2003, 9:40 am- Re: Strip: gluing strips
Kyle T -- 5/29/2003, 8:03 am- Re: Strip: gluing strips
Kurt Hoffman -- 5/29/2003, 8:53 am
- Re: Strip: gluing strips
Dave Sprygada -- 5/28/2003, 10:39 pm- Re: Strip: gluing strips
Ken -- 5/28/2003, 9:55 pm- Re: Strip: gluing strips
srchr/gerald -- 5/28/2003, 7:51 pm - Re: Strip: gluing strips
- Re: Strip: gluing strips