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Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
By:Jack Sanderson
Date: 6/9/2003, 10:37 am

Anyone got some advice on the finer points of setting up a router table for milling strips?

I have been milling some more strips to finish off my Razor Billed Auk deck and ran into an issue I couldn�t explain. As I send the strips through my router table cutting beads, the last one inch of the strip seems to get a extra 1/8� taken off. I have not had this problem before and am using feather boards on both sides and above the bit.

Obviously this isn�t a big problem to cut off the last 1� but I was curious if anyone else has had this problem. I am assuming that it has something to do with getting the fence parallel to a tangent of the bit but I kept getting �snipe� on that last 1� no matter how I fiddled with the fence.



Messages In This Thread

Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
Jack Sanderson -- 6/9/2003, 10:37 am
consider the last inch a sacrifice *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/10/2003, 11:39 pm
Last inch pulls
Brian Ervin -- 6/10/2003, 11:42 am
Re: Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
Jack Sanderson -- 6/9/2003, 10:59 pm
"Snipe" on my beads (Count me in TOO)
rnb4tla -- 6/9/2003, 8:16 pm
Re: Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
Greg Bridges -- 6/9/2003, 3:23 pm
Re: Strip: "Snipe" on my beads *Pic*
John Schroeder -- 6/9/2003, 9:35 pm
not an insignificant issue..
Frank Eberdt -- 6/9/2003, 4:01 pm
me too...
Myrl Tanton -- 6/9/2003, 12:41 pm
Re: Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
srchr/gerald -- 6/9/2003, 12:34 pm
Re: Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
Severne -- 6/9/2003, 12:42 pm
Re: Strip: "Snipe" on my beads
srchr/gerald -- 6/9/2003, 2:10 pm
Router Ends
Dave Sprygada -- 6/9/2003, 12:16 pm
I have the same problem...
Frank Eberdt -- 6/9/2003, 12:12 pm