Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro *Pic*
In Response To: Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro (mike allen)
: But, but, but, you must not have seen a good picture of Roy recently!! Sadly,
: unfortunately, Roy too is taken. But I guess many things can happen in a
: year.
: However, nice writing style malcy, is that your e-mail address??
: -micky
Sorry, I'm taken too, and she's really jealous. She has a friend though, maybe we can double date. I hope you like sushi.
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: Romance on this BBD!! *Pic*
mike allen -- 7/2/2003, 12:06 pm- Re: Announce: Romance on this BBD!!
daren&karen -- 7/5/2003, 8:07 pm- Re: Announce: Romance on this BBD!!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 7/7/2003, 9:38 am- You affect us all, Nick, in the best way.
Robert N Pruden -- 7/11/2003, 5:14 am
- You affect us all, Nick, in the best way.
- Awe... Mush.., So.... Where's de'boat...???
Rehd -- 7/5/2003, 11:35 pm- Re: Awe... Mush.., So.... Where's de'boat...???
daren&karen -- 7/6/2003, 9:54 am
- Re: Awe... Mush.., So.... Where's de'boat...???
- Re: Announce: Romance on this BBD!!
- Congratulations, Karen and Daren from...
Robert N Pruden -- 7/2/2003, 10:28 pm- Re: Congratulations, Karen and Daren from...
Glen Smith -- 7/2/2003, 10:42 pm
- Re: Congratulations, Karen and Daren from...
- Congratulations and best wishes. *NM*
srchr/gerald -- 7/2/2003, 7:57 pm - Conratulations, Best of Luck!!! *NM*
David Hill -- 7/2/2003, 4:49 pm - Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Roy...
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/2/2003, 4:28 pm- "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" *NM*
ian in Vancouver -- 7/3/2003, 11:10 am - Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro
mike allen -- 7/2/2003, 4:44 pm- Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro *Pic*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 7/2/2003, 9:08 pm- Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro
mike allen -- 7/3/2003, 12:05 pm
- Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro
- Re: Whew, I thought he was going to say him and Ro *Pic*
- "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" *NM*
- Re: Announce: Romance on this BBD!!
Grant -- 7/2/2003, 4:24 pm - Congratulations Daren and Karen!
Shawn Baker -- 7/2/2003, 4:06 pm- the vessel
mike allen -- 7/2/2003, 4:29 pm
- the vessel
- Re: Announce: Romance on this BBD!!
Chip Sandresky -- 7/2/2003, 3:04 pm - ConGratulation! Nice couple!
Tony -- 7/2/2003, 2:24 pm - Daren and Karen congratulations and best wishes! *NM*
Frank Eberdt -- 7/2/2003, 1:50 pm - Congrats!! - Honeymoon at R2K3?? *NM*
Jim Hoagland -- 7/2/2003, 1:27 pm - Re: Announce: Now that's cool! Congrats' *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 7/2/2003, 12:26 pm
- Re: Announce: Romance on this BBD!!