Boat Building Forum

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Re: Shop: Tube Waxing
By:Tom Yost
Date: 7/10/2003, 10:15 am
In Response To: Shop: Tube Waxing (Eric)

: I'm going to glue the truck tarp panels together on my next take-apart's
: assembled structure of alu tubes and okoum� stations.
: Which kind of wax did you use to protect the tubes on such a job, and which
: variety: traditional (wet wax kept in a round box), sprayed or liquid?

I'm assuming the truck tarp panels are pre-coated so there is no need to
wax the frame. I only wax when painting on thinned neoprene or hypalon on a
sewn polyester skin ( folders only) to keep the synthetic rubber from soaking
through the cloth and possibly sticking to the frame.

I use Johnson's Paste Wax (wet wax kept in a round box).


Messages In This Thread

Shop: Tube Waxing
Eric -- 7/9/2003, 9:28 am
Re: Shop: Tube Waxing
Tom Yost -- 7/10/2003, 10:15 am
Re: Shop: Tube Waxing: Thanks ! *NM*
Eric -- 7/11/2003, 7:55 am