Date: 7/17/2003, 8:15 am
: There's lots of ways to scarf strips, however I think sanding is the least
: efficient - and 45 degrees is way too steep. An eight to one is good as
: you mentioned.
: I made a jig for my Radial Arm saw and I can cut scarfs on 5-7 strips at once
: in two seconds. All it is is a triangle made of 3/4" x 3/4"
: stock that presses against the fence and holds a strip(s) at an 8-1 angle.
: I use some squeeze clamps to hold the cluster so my hand is not near the
: blade. You can do the same type of thing on the table saw just using the
: angle guide with a piece of stock screwed to it for added stability and a
: clamping surface.
: Since it's so fast and easy, I put a scarf end on about 60% of my strips when
: milling. You could also do the exact same thing on a chop saw.
: I don't want to speak for Rob, but he used to cut them with a block plane in
: a little jig he made. It had two angled pieces of wood (wedges) with a
: spece in between for the strip. The block plane would travel on the two
: angled pieces keeping the scarf flat and consistent. Nice thing there is
: no noise, dust etc.
Thanks, Jay; as it happpens, I have both a radial arm and a chop saw, though the radial arm is still dis-assembled from when I moved my sign business into my basement. A very cool idea, I'll check it out.-Greg
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Scarfing advice needed
greg root -- 7/16/2003, 8:38 am- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed *LINK* *Pic*
Steve Frederick -- 7/17/2003, 6:07 pm - Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
rnb4tla -- 7/16/2003, 11:35 pm- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
greg root -- 7/17/2003, 8:10 am
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed *Pic*
John Schroeder -- 7/16/2003, 10:54 pm- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 7/17/2003, 9:25 am
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
srchr/gerald -- 7/16/2003, 5:11 pm - I don't scaft strips, I scarf the boards
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/16/2003, 4:28 pm- umm that should be "scarf " not "scaft "strips
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/16/2003, 4:56 pm
- umm that should be "scarf " not "scaft "strips
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 7/16/2003, 12:26 pm - Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
Bill Price -- 7/16/2003, 11:41 am - Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
Chip Sandresky -- 7/16/2003, 10:51 am - Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
Don Lucas -- 7/16/2003, 9:52 am- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
Mike Scarborough -- 7/16/2003, 10:05 am
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
Dave Sprygada -- 7/16/2003, 9:19 am - Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
Jay Babina -- 7/16/2003, 9:01 am- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
greg root -- 7/17/2003, 8:15 am
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed
- Re: Strip: Scarfing advice needed *LINK* *Pic*