Date: 7/17/2003, 3:47 pm
I find it much easier to get consistant thickness strips by starting with narrower boards. I like to cut my strips from 1X4s. If you rip the 1X10s in half, I think it would be easier. Make sure to use a very thin kerf saw blade. I use a Diablo 7 1/4" thin kerf blade in my table saw. Make sure you put the convex curve of the board towords the fence.
: i am building the gillemot.
: i have my router bits and have decided cedar is the best way to go for the
: wood.
: i want to rip and mill my own strips.
: I can only find 16' lengths max. the book says it doesnt really matter if you
: scarf them but the sheer strips should be full length. the boat is 16.5
: foot.
: my question is: 1:should i bother with 16 foot boards or just get 8-10 foot
: boards.
: 2: and about how may full lengths strips are there in a boat. kits usually
: just say "enough", one kit said 60 full length strips.
: so my math says 3 strips per inch of board (ripped on a table saw) so a 10
: inch board will make 30 strips, at 16 feet i only need two - 1x10x16. that
: doesnt seem right.
: thnaks
: c
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: newbie WOOD questions
c -- 7/17/2003, 3:25 pm- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions
Dave Sprygada -- 7/18/2003, 8:50 am - Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions
Ken Blanton -- 7/17/2003, 6:18 pm- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions *NM*
hudpucker -- 7/17/2003, 11:25 pm
- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions *NM*
- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions
Jim Horlacher -- 7/17/2003, 3:47 pm- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions
srchr/gerald -- 7/17/2003, 5:15 pm
- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions
- Re: Strip: newbie WOOD questions