Date: 7/19/2003, 10:01 am
: Hello all,
: While I was at work today my wife decided she would try to help me finish the
: frame work on my kayak. As it turns out the aft deck stringer got pegged
: down way out of alignment. Does anyone see a problem with cutting the
: dowels (if possible) and moving them to the correct location/positions?
: Thanks again
: Richard
Shouldn't be a problem. If the dowels were pegged with glue, you will not lose a significant amount of strength, but adding an 1/8" thick sister piece would help both the wood and your confidence.. if needed.
Nice to have a little help once in a while... Hope you don't discourage her, but rather show her the how's and why's. Having your significant other finding interest in your work is pretty kool!
My Oldest grandson ( 10 ) was helping plane a (his) paddle a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it so much that he wasn't paying attention to the lines. He cut down too deep on one side and was upset. So, I just suggested that we make it a slightly spoon shapped blade and then we matched the other side and it turned out pretty good. Still can't get the grin off his face when he's telling people about his paddle. He's not afraid to tell them how he goofed up, but then we made it different and he likes it better...
One thing nice about wood, it's VERY forgiving...
Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
Richard -- 7/19/2003, 5:26 am- Re: SoF: Aft Deck stringer ... No Problem
Rehd -- 7/19/2003, 10:01 am - Re: Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
Arko Bronaugh -- 7/19/2003, 9:23 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
Richard -- 7/19/2003, 12:46 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
sing -- 7/19/2003, 6:33 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
Roger Nuffer -- 7/19/2003, 9:16 am
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Aft Deck stringer problem
- Re: SoF: Aft Deck stringer ... No Problem