f course, best of
: both worlds would be a nice paddle followed by recovery in the BYBG. I
: think I like that one. Get busy!
It's my bet you'll have the best of both worlds, Paul. The beer garden is finished and the kayak is well on its way. I finished removing all the old varnish off the hull and groudn the stern/bow down flat and smooth. Your idea of just grinding them down and leaving them is appealing but I don't want to shorten the yak nor allow a very wide keel at the bow end of things. I'll add the wood to get the length back to the original. Besides, I had a great idea today (might have been spurred on by too many beers while sanding). I'm gonna extend the bow laminations above the deck and out by a couple of inches and carve a bow sprite of some sort. I was thinking maybe a mermaid but I'm now thinking possibly a can of Guinness. It's not that I worship Guinness but whenever I have a few I get, shall I say, inspired! I'll probably do a dolphin or something but a bow sprite it is. The kayak will definitely be useable by the time you get here.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 7/20/2003, 10:52 pm- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair
Paul J -- 7/21/2003, 1:24 pm- The bow and stern have been ground flat and smooth
Robert N Pruden -- 7/22/2003, 5:19 am
- The bow and stern have been ground flat and smooth
- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair *Pic*
Tom Yost -- 7/21/2003, 9:24 am- Perfect!
Robert N Pruden -- 7/21/2003, 12:39 pm
- Perfect!
- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair
Kyle T -- 7/21/2003, 9:05 am - you could try an external stem...
Frank Eberdt -- 7/21/2003, 8:56 am- Re: you could try an external stem...
Robert N Pruden -- 7/21/2003, 12:30 pm
- Re: you could try an external stem...
- solid doweled block for stern?
Pete Notman -- 7/21/2003, 3:10 am- Re: solid doweled block for stern?
Robert N Pruden -- 7/21/2003, 12:24 pm
- Re: solid doweled block for stern?
- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair
srchr/gerald -- 7/21/2003, 12:00 am- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair
Robert N Pruden -- 7/21/2003, 12:15 pm
- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair
- Re: S&G: Need ideas for rebuild bow/stern repair