Date: 7/24/2003, 12:03 pm
Hi all,
the first week of June, I was finally able to launch my first Kayak. I had laboured on it since January, and was able to do a couple of day trips before handing the boats over to a good friend, and flying out to Europe for work reasons. I donīt think I will see the boats again this year, and already miss them a lot.
Now, at last, I have received fotos, and am very happy to share them with all you people.
I want to give credit to Reg Lake, who visited my workshop and gave me much advice about how a cockpit should look, and why.
Also, KenC gave me an exclusive preview of his Endeavour recess. This was much appreciated, because the center ridge of the Endeavour makes the recess a tricky affair.
And finally, Andy Waddington was very generous with his description of the rear bulkhead hatch he built.
To all you guys, and everyone else who posts here, many thanks. Youīre the only kayak builders I know !
I hope you enjoy the pictures, and if there are questions, I will be glad to answer them.
Un abrazo, Pascal

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Endeavour 17 on Chiloé Island, Chile *LINK* *Pic*
Pascal Matzler -- 7/24/2003, 12:03 pm- Re: Launching: Endeavour 17 on Chiloé Island, Chil
KenC -- 7/24/2003, 10:48 pm- Re: Launching: Endeavour 17 on Chiloé Island, Chil
srchr/gerald -- 7/24/2003, 6:18 pm- Beautiful Work Pascal!! You Done Good! *NM*
Paul J -- 7/24/2003, 12:13 pm - Re: Launching: Endeavour 17 on Chiloé Island, Chil
- Re: Launching: Endeavour 17 on Chiloé Island, Chil