Boat Building Forum

Find advice on all aspects of building your own kayak, canoe or any lightweight boats

Strip: New builder *LINK*
Date: 7/29/2003, 4:00 pm

I�ve been watching the bulletin board for a wile now and got some great tip�s. I�m building my first kayak and having a ball doing so. can�t wait to get it in the water. I still have a bit more to do but I�m hoping to get it in the water by October.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: New builder *LINK*
John -- 7/29/2003, 4:00 pm
Re: Strip: New builder
Steve Frederick -- 7/29/2003, 10:33 pm
Re: Strip: New builder
john -- 7/30/2003, 8:59 am
Re: Strip: New builder
srchr/gerald -- 7/29/2003, 4:23 pm
Re: Strip: New builder
Steve Rasmussen -- 7/29/2003, 4:17 pm
Re: Strip: New builder
Aaron Cunningham -- 7/29/2003, 4:17 pm