Launching: WEEEE!!!!!! Here it is. *Pic*
By:Andrew Smith
Date: 9/8/2003, 8:00 am
Date: 9/8/2003, 8:00 am
Our Guillemot on the small lake behind my in-laws. It works great. Thanks to all for the help along the way.
The picture's a bit fuzzy, it was taken with a disposable camera. Hope to get some from this weekend taken with my 35mm.

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: WEEEE!!!!!! Here it is. *Pic*
Andrew Smith -- 9/8/2003, 8:00 am- Re: Launching: WEEEE!!!!!! Here it is.
Malcolm Schweizer -- 9/8/2003, 10:46 am- Re: Launching: WEEEE!!!!!! Here it is.
Andrew Smith -- 9/8/2003, 1:43 pm
Danny Cox -- 9/8/2003, 8:52 am - Re: Launching: WEEEE!!!!!! Here it is.
- Re: Launching: WEEEE!!!!!! Here it is.