Date: 9/19/2003, 11:33 am
He also sells the precarved blanks. I have bought two of these and the seat shape fits me perfectly with no modifications. Sizing to the kayak and adding hip pads is no big deal. Either way it is money well spent.
: After making a seat and not enjoying the results (can't sit in it for more
: that a couple hours) and seeing the nice foam cockpit set-up Marcel
: posted, I decided I want one of those. Someone posted a link where one
: could purchase that type of seat (as my seat making skills seem to be
: lacking and I don't mind spending $$ to be comfortable), but I have been
: unable to find that link.
: If someone could post that link it would be greatly appreciated.
: Thanks
: Brian

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Where to buy foam seat
Brian Ervin -- 9/19/2003, 9:44 am- Re: foam seat *Pic*
John Schroeder -- 9/19/2003, 12:21 pm- Tyvek suits help
dean trexel -- 9/23/2003, 6:14 pm- Re: foam seat
Shawn Baker -- 9/19/2003, 1:49 pm- Re: foam seat - M200 vs. L200
jimkozel -- 9/19/2003, 11:12 pm- Re: foam seat - M200 vs. L200
John Schroeder -- 9/20/2003, 1:03 am
- Re: foam seat - M200 vs. L200
- Re: foam seat
- Re: Seeking: Where to buy foam seat *LINK* *Pic*
Reg Lake -- 9/19/2003, 11:33 am- Re: here you go *NM* *LINK*
daren&karen -- 9/19/2003, 10:12 am- I believe Marcel bought a Redfish seat.. *LINK*
Frank Eberdt -- 9/19/2003, 10:08 am- Re: I believe Marcel bought a Redfish seat..
Marcel -- 9/19/2003, 8:21 pm
- Tyvek suits help
- Re: foam seat *Pic*