Re: foam seat
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 9/19/2003, 1:49 pm
Date: 9/19/2003, 1:49 pm
In Response To: Re: foam seat *Pic* (John Schroeder)
: I've carved two foam seats using Joe's guidelines. They're fast to carve, and
: very comfortable. Unfortunately, it's a REALLY messy job.
Hook up your shop vac or dust collector to suck up 80% of the foamy bits that fly off.
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Where to buy foam seat
Brian Ervin -- 9/19/2003, 9:44 am- Re: foam seat *Pic*
John Schroeder -- 9/19/2003, 12:21 pm- Tyvek suits help
dean trexel -- 9/23/2003, 6:14 pm- Re: foam seat
Shawn Baker -- 9/19/2003, 1:49 pm- Re: foam seat - M200 vs. L200
jimkozel -- 9/19/2003, 11:12 pm- Re: foam seat - M200 vs. L200
John Schroeder -- 9/20/2003, 1:03 am
- Re: foam seat - M200 vs. L200
- Re: foam seat
- Re: Seeking: Where to buy foam seat *LINK* *Pic*
Reg Lake -- 9/19/2003, 11:33 am- Re: here you go *NM* *LINK*
daren&karen -- 9/19/2003, 10:12 am- I believe Marcel bought a Redfish seat.. *LINK*
Frank Eberdt -- 9/19/2003, 10:08 am- Re: I believe Marcel bought a Redfish seat..
Marcel -- 9/19/2003, 8:21 pm
- Tyvek suits help
- Re: foam seat *Pic*