: Has anyone built using this stuff?
: It's 5mm (about 4.8 actual) mahogany underlay, guaranteed void free,
: waterproof glue, and the face veneers apear to be thicker than luane.
: I saw it at Home Depot...Looks like nice stuff.
With a name like that it sounds like Meranti, another fairly inexpensive wood which is similar to lauan. Both Meranti and lauan (as well as several other wood species) used to be sold under the name of "phillipine mahogany". Some of the "lauan" plywood I saw at a local Home Depot was clearly stenciled "meranti" on the edges of the stack on the pallet, so apparently this stuff is interchangeable. Lauan is also used for underlayments.
If the price is good, go for it. It will probabl go fine. If not, though, you'll find out when you are stitching the panels together. If it causes problems, snip the wires and save the panels to use as inexpensive templates with more expensive plywood. all your design and drawing work is done, so you just trace around them and cut the new pieces -- and you may not need many of those. Only use the more expensive plywood for those pieces which demand it.
Good luck with your project.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Meraply
Aurel -- 10/6/2003, 12:17 am- Re: S&G: Meraply
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/8/2003, 5:20 pm - Re: S&G: Meraply
Aurel -- 10/6/2003, 12:54 am - Re: S&G: Meraply
Rehd -- 10/6/2003, 12:38 am
- Re: S&G: Meraply