Date: 10/27/2003, 8:39 am
I just started stripping my Outer Island this weekend (this is my first). I am working from the keel down and after attaching the first two strips along the keel I went to attach 3/8" wide strips along the shear to verify form alignment.
When sighting down the length of the boat I have a nice fair vertical curvature on both sides but it seems that either form 9 is too wide or form 10.5 is too narrow. This is not a matter of the form being too far left or right because the error is on both sides. One possibility I thought of was that the forms were not parallel to each other thus altering their width but the error is about 3/16" and the forms are not off anywhere near enough to make that big of a difference.
The forms were all cut 1/16" too big and taken down to the line with a stationary belt sander so I know this is not a cut out problem.
The only two solutions that I have been able to come up with are to sand down form 9 or to just ignore form 10.5 above the waterline (it is fine along the keel).
Any suggestions for possible causes and solutions would be appreciated.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Form Alignment
Rich Centola -- 10/27/2003, 8:39 am- Re: Strip: Form Alignment
Roy Morford -- 10/28/2003, 6:25 pm - Re: Strip: Thanks for the advise *NM*
Rich Centola -- 10/28/2003, 4:20 pm - Re: Strip: Form Alignment
Bob Deutsch -- 10/27/2003, 9:56 am- Re: Strip: Form Alignment
Bob Deutsch -- 10/27/2003, 10:04 am
- Re: Strip: Form Alignment
- Re: Strip: Form Alignment
Danny Cox -- 10/27/2003, 9:19 am
- Re: Strip: Form Alignment