Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *LINK* *Pic*
In Response To: Strip: Where to store the strips??? (Michel Lafrance)
I might possibly get the award for most anal storage of strips. I kept all of the strips from a particular board bound with jute, stored overhead and labeled with length and color. It may sound over the top, but it was really easy once things got going to be able to pull the exact length and color I needed.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Where to store the strips???
Michel Lafrance -- 10/31/2003, 10:49 am- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *LINK* *Pic*
Marcel -- 11/1/2003, 10:34 pm- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *LINK*
Chuck -- 11/2/2003, 3:49 pm- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips???
Marcel -- 11/2/2003, 5:08 pm
- Re: Strips, Done Right..
Rehd -- 11/1/2003, 11:36 pm - Re: Strip: Where to store the strips???
- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 11/1/2003, 7:52 am- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *Pic*
Gordon Snapp -- 10/31/2003, 11:39 pm- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips???
William F. Cruz -- 11/1/2003, 12:05 am
- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips???
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/31/2003, 10:03 pm- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips???
mook -- 10/31/2003, 9:15 pm- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips???
mike loriz -- 10/31/2003, 1:39 pm - Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *LINK*
- Re: Strip: Where to store the strips??? *LINK* *Pic*