Date: 12/2/2003, 3:52 pm
Hey Charles!
: Thanks for the kind words, but don't get the wrong idea - neither of the two
: boats are perfect.
Who's is?...I've the same experience...people oohh and ahhh, and all I can say is, "Thanks." But if I have time, I'll tell 'em that I know every flaw and weakness...that I appreciate the attention, but I know every error, and there are many (on my boats). But isn't that the thing...the practice?...being able to live with certain imperfections, getting past these difficulties and moving on to others? Kind of like it smooth enough when you've got a hole in the surface?...Or varnishing...when are you satisfied with the finish?...after, how many coats?
And I actually messed up more on my boat (the second
: one) than I did on my wife's.
Consolation is it was your boat where you "messed up" most and not hers.
She didn't like the tupperware she was
: paddling so I got on the cpu and started researching kayaks. I found
: Nick's site and the rest is history. I figured if she put up with me for
: 30 years, building her a kayak was nothing! I just wish everyone was as
: fortunate as I am in that catagory.
Well, Sue and I might not have the years you two have, but I think we've got the connection. Yeah, everyone should be so lucky! I built Sue an Osprey Standard for her birthday/Christmas present two years ago. She named her Artimus.
: I've only got a couple of coats of varnish on my wife's boat and, so far,
: none on mine. But we only let them outside to play so maybe I'll get it
: done before I have a problem with them.
I guess if it isn't laying out in the sun, you haven't much to worry about. I patched our canoe and left the varnishing go so far, though I hope to get it done later this month or early next year.
: And the canoe looks great.
Thanks, she was my first attempt at boat building....she's the teacher.
Now get that yak finished!
Yes sir.
I know its gonna be
: fantastic! I'm trying "to learn" to not sweat the small
: imperfections - as long as no water gets in.
Yes! I agree whole heartedly! In this, my experience with home brewing beer is very doesn't do any good to worry. Still, when the wet out and fill coats I applied to the spray skirt lip of my present project took two weeks to get beyond tacky, I was worried I'd need to scrape and sand the goo off and start over....yet, it worked out fine.
: Oh, and by the way . . . have you been watching me watch my wife in her yak?
: I actually do that every time we go paddling. Its not just that I built
: her boat but I like to see that little curl of water as the bow parts the
: surface.
Well, I saw those beautiful lines in the pics from the Santa Fe effortlessly and cleanly her Arcturus seemed to move through the water, and I figure we have that in common...the joy of seeing our boats move through the water...or seeing and feeling it.
And, She IS my Pride and Joy!
Arcturus or your Mrs.?
: Below is a pic of my wife and Arcturus on the Santa Fe River in north
: Florida.
: Happy Building.
: Charles.
Good communicatin' with you Charles. Thanks for sharing your photos. Happy Building yourself!
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: testing photo posting capabilities *Pic*
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 2:10 am- Blast! Failed again-sorry don't bother! IQT! *NM*
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 2:12 am- Try this
Gordon Niessen -- 11/30/2003, 7:48 am- What happened?
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 3:13 pm- Re: What happened? *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 11/30/2003, 5:35 pm- Re: What happened?
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 9:35 pm- Re: What happened? *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 12/2/2003, 2:49 am- Almost Speechless! *LINK*
Bill Cruz -- 12/2/2003, 11:05 am- Re: Almost Speechless! *LINK* *Pic*
Charles Leach -- 12/2/2003, 1:54 pm- Re: Almost Speechless!
Bill Cruz -- 12/2/2003, 3:52 pm
- Re: Almost Speechless!
- Re: Almost Speechless! *LINK* *Pic*
- Almost Speechless! *LINK*
- Re: What happened? *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: What happened?
- Re: What happened?
Mike and Rikki -- 11/30/2003, 4:09 pm- Back to the drawing board!
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 4:58 pm
- Back to the drawing board!
- Re: What happened? *LINK* *Pic*
- Re: Try this--Thanks, I will. B.C. *NM*
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 12:02 pm- Testing photo posting capabilities *Pic*
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 1:11 pm- Re: Getting Closer...
Rehd -- 11/30/2003, 5:02 pm- Re: Getting Closer...
KenC -- 11/30/2003, 7:30 pm- Re: Getting Closer...
Rehd -- 11/30/2003, 9:06 pm- Re: Getting Closer...
A. Stenson -- 12/1/2003, 3:41 am - Re: Getting Closer...
KenC -- 11/30/2003, 10:47 pm
- Re: Getting Closer...
- Re: Getting Closer...
- Forget the coffee-where's the Mason Jar?
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 5:08 pm
- Re: Getting Closer...
- Re: Testing photo posting capabilities
KenC -- 11/30/2003, 2:00 pm- Re: Testing photo posting capabilities *Pic*
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 3:03 pm- Re: Testing photo posting capabilities
KenC -- 11/30/2003, 7:26 pm- Confusion reigns!
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 9:39 pm- Re: Confusion reigns!
Gordon Niessen -- 12/1/2003, 8:00 am- Re: Confusion reigns!
Bill Cruz -- 12/1/2003, 11:47 am
- Re: Confusion reigns!
- Re: Confusion reigns!
- Confusion reigns!
- Re: Testing photo posting capabilities
- Re: Testing photo posting capabilities *Pic*
- Success!!!! Thanks! *NM*
Bill Cruz -- 11/30/2003, 1:15 pm
- Re: Getting Closer...
- Testing photo posting capabilities *Pic*
- What happened?
- Try this
- Blast! Failed again-sorry don't bother! IQT! *NM*