Date: 12/5/2003, 2:47 pm
but wouldn't you like a little better ability to steer through waves? I had a great time with my Ch16 in two sets of breakers off of Ocrecoke,,the flat bottom really allows the wave to pick the stern up and SCOOT you down things,,,but the flip side is the bow gets stuck fairly quickly with a quick transition to a broach as the minimal rocker in the middle 6' of the hull and pronounced chines far to the ends seems to give the wave more abrupt shift on the cg than a hull with more rocker or flared sides. That same characteristic taken to the extremes with the Northbay make it especially difficult in waves/chop. When I paddled the Merganser or my own 18'x21" s&g that had more flare I found that the transition was a LOT smoother to a broach which can make those carving turns one hears about easier for bracing into the wave. It also makes the ability to turn up before the break and back towards the beach beneficial. Of course these aren't surf boats and one is going to get knocked around in any rough water.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
martin -- 12/4/2003, 2:51 pm- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
Jay Babina -- 12/5/2003, 8:30 am- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water? *LINK*
Al -- 12/5/2003, 1:46 pm- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
LeeG -- 12/6/2003, 7:31 am- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
Al -- 12/6/2003, 10:57 am
- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
Mike Scarborough -- 12/5/2003, 9:28 am- something funny happened on the way to the water
LeeG -- 12/5/2003, 1:13 pm- Re: something funny happened on the way to the wat
LeeG -- 12/5/2003, 2:47 pm
- Re: something funny happened on the way to the wat
- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
- Alternative to Chesapeake is Waters Dancing *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 12/5/2003, 1:53 am- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water? *LINK*
Richard Kohlström -- 12/4/2003, 6:52 pm- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
Paul Jacob -- 12/4/2003, 5:21 pm- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
John Caldeira -- 12/4/2003, 3:47 pm- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
Chip Sandresky -- 12/4/2003, 3:23 pm- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?
LeeG -- 12/4/2003, 3:21 pm- So Lee, what was the answer?
Mike Scarborough -- 12/4/2003, 4:59 pm- Re: So Lee, what was the answer?
LeeG -- 12/4/2003, 6:13 pm- Re: So Lee, what was the answer?
LeeG -- 12/4/2003, 8:29 pm
- Re: So Lee, what was the answer?
- Re: So Lee, what was the answer?
- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water? *LINK*
- Re: S&G: Chesapeake lt17 good for rough water?