Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches
In Response To: Strip: Latches for Hatches *LINK* (nick)
They should work fine, but if you check out the specs you'll see that they are very large and very heavy.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Latches for Hatches *LINK*
nick -- 12/8/2003, 9:28 am- Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches
Brian Nystrom -- 12/8/2003, 1:42 pm - Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches
Kent LeBoutillier -- 12/8/2003, 11:42 am - Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches
Kyle T -- 12/8/2003, 10:54 am- Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches
nick -- 12/8/2003, 1:48 pm
- Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches
- Re: Strip: Latches for Hatches