Date: 12/11/2003, 12:53 am
: Do you folks like rounded hulls or hard chine kayaks?
We like rounded chine hulls on hard kayaks.
And yes, I am a royal pain in the ass, too.
Okay, you probably are looking for some elaboration as to why. The chine helps to lean turn and it seems to provide a little more stability and longer secondary stability then a rounded hull. When I say rounded hull, I'm meaning something like Joe Seda's Impulse of Glider which are tippy SOBs in the ocean, at least to everyone I know. Now I paddled a hard chined kayak that the name escapes me now and I found it to be a real twitch monster and its secondary wasn't all that good, at least to me. I guess the kayaks I like the best are the ones I designed, though I really like Nick's Night Heron, and Nigen Dennis' Explorer HV.
So, there. Meaningless babble when you really get down to it. I guess its what you feel part of and comfy in.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: What is your favorite hull shape and why?
Handy -- 12/10/2003, 11:03 pm- Re: Other: What is your favorite hull shape and wh
srchr/gerald -- 12/11/2003, 11:11 am - Yes. *NM*
Danny Cox -- 12/11/2003, 7:54 am - Re: Other: What is your favorite hull shape and wh
Mike and Rikki -- 12/11/2003, 12:53 am- Have one of each *NM*
Don Lucas -- 12/11/2003, 10:07 am
- Have one of each *NM*
- Re: Other: What is your favorite hull shape and wh