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Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
By:Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks
Date: 12/12/2003, 1:41 pm

: I filmed this. It was a great weekend for kayak surfing. This is my first
: public video. I am still working on the full video of the weekend. :)

Good Stuff! Those are some nice looking waves.

Any insights into the problems with the kayak you made? I am moving my surf kayak up to the top of the list (for what that is worth) and would interested to hear your impressions of your effort.

Messages In This Thread

Paddle: some footage of what I did last weekend *LINK*
sage -- 12/12/2003, 9:53 am
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
DAN HOOPER -- 12/12/2003, 10:56 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken *NM*
DAN HOOPER -- 12/12/2003, 10:54 pm
Two questions
Brian Nystrom -- 12/12/2003, 3:21 pm
it was just confermed Mega Cyclone! *NM*
Sage -- 12/12/2003, 7:33 pm
Re: Two questions
Sage -- 12/12/2003, 7:28 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
George K. -- 12/12/2003, 2:23 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Sage -- 12/12/2003, 7:25 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/12/2003, 1:41 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Ken Blanton -- 12/12/2003, 7:37 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/14/2003, 11:34 am
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Sage -- 12/12/2003, 7:24 pm
Holy Maytag, Batman!! Give Us More! *NM*
Paul Jacob -- 12/12/2003, 1:36 pm
Re: More! More! *NM*
Kyle T -- 12/12/2003, 12:36 pm
Robert N Pruden -- 12/12/2003, 12:19 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Shawn Baker -- 12/12/2003, 11:11 am
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
sage -- 12/12/2003, 11:40 am
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
sage -- 12/12/2003, 11:35 am
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
chuck -- 12/12/2003, 6:28 pm
I didn't forget to post.
sage -- 12/13/2003, 5:53 pm
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Shawn Baker -- 12/12/2003, 1:38 pm
Rick Sylvia -- 12/12/2003, 11:02 am
great video, Very impressive!!!! *NM*
Frank Eberdt -- 12/12/2003, 11:02 am
Dave Sprygada -- 12/12/2003, 10:49 am
Re: Excellent!!!
sage -- 12/12/2003, 10:59 am
Re: Paddle: some footage of what I did last weeken
Danny Cox -- 12/12/2003, 10:17 am