Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry *LINK*
In Response To: Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry (chuck)
: I like it, but lose the guillemot kayaks banner.
: I'm all for supporting Nick, but I think that it looks too cluttered.
: Put something about Nick/Guillemot on the front. and I think it's the best
: one yet.
: BTW I'm all for a high quality shirt, in XXL. I've found through creating
: club t-shirts that it's not actually that much more expensive to create a
: shirt that I will wear twice as much as a cheaper one.
: Now, how much do you think you're going to sell the shirts for?
Here i smy response to your idea. I hope it works.
Robert N Pruden
Messages In This Thread
- Other: My T-Shirt Entry *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 12/19/2003, 9:16 pm- Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry
mike loriz -- 12/20/2003, 10:46 am - Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry
chuck -- 12/19/2003, 10:39 pm- Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 12/20/2003, 10:33 pm
- Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry *LINK*
- Re: Other: My T-Shirt Entry