Date: 1/31/2004, 5:04 pm
Hi there, all.
This is my penalty for doing a stupid thing:
While using my Rotozip with a router bit to roundover some small holes, I managed to stick my finger tip into the bit from above, and I removed several square millimeters of skin from myself.
I hate when that happens.
Anyway, when I looked around the shop, I was all alone, so I have no one else to blame it on, not even the shop kitty. I lost my focus for a partial second in my 'rush' to get the project finished.
This is in the same vein as in last December when I was clearing broken branches from the winter storms out of my trees. I fell about 8 feet off a broken branch stub and dislocated several ribs when I hit.
Anyway, take a moment and think before you do something risky. There's a safe way available, and even though it may take a bit longer to finish... well, you've heard this all before, but sometimes pictures do better than mere words.
Pete Roszyk,
in Snohomish, WA
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh? *Pic*
Pete Roszyk -- 1/31/2004, 5:04 pm- Re: About that fall
pikabike -- 1/31/2004, 8:22 pm- Re: Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh?
Andy -- 1/31/2004, 7:25 pm- Re: Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh?
Jay Doorly -- 1/31/2004, 8:11 pm
- Re: Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh?
Robert N Pruden -- 1/31/2004, 6:08 pm- Re: Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh?
Roger Turgeon -- 1/31/2004, 6:47 pm
- Re: Tools: Safety First, or the Alaska Rule, eh?
- Re: About that fall