Skin-on-Frame: Sea Tour 17R build pix now online *LINK* *Pic*
Seemed like a good night to give the lovely & charming a night off from mechanical emanations from below. So instead I got myself a webshots account and uploaded some pictures.
I agree it's not the greatest blog software, you have to go through the pictures one at a time and scroll down to read the caption. I suggest viewing the slideshow, and when you think "what's the point of that picture?" stop and read just that one.

Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Sea Tour 17R build pix now online *LINK* *Pic*
Sean -- 2/27/2008, 11:01 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Tour 17R build pix now onli
Bill Hamm -- 2/28/2008, 6:29 pm- Using an I-joist for strongback is cool!
Jesper B -- 2/28/2008, 6:42 am- Re: Using an I-joist for strongback is cool!
markfitz -- 2/28/2008, 11:43 am- Re: Using an I-joist for strongback is cool! *LINK*
Sean -- 2/28/2008, 9:11 pm
- Re: Using an I-joist for strongback is cool! *LINK*
- Using an I-joist for strongback is cool!
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Tour 17R build pix now onli