Re: Epoxy: a mistake ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zs
By:Jay Babina ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zsPaxx5FAjQr
Date: 4/15/2008, 8:05 am
Date: 4/15/2008, 8:05 am
In Response To: Epoxy: a mistake (bromasi)
You didn't get into much detail about how it got in there and wether it was mixed or not. If you accidentally poured some in, don't mix it or agitate it - let it sit. If your lucky, a thick gummy skum will develop on the top where the two met. Later you can spoon that off and hopefully the rest will be OK.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: a mistake
bromasi -- 4/14/2008, 9:33 pm- Re: Epoxy: a mistake ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zs
Jay Babina ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zsPaxx5FAjQr -- 4/15/2008, 8:05 am - Re: Epoxy: a mistake
Bill Hamm -- 4/15/2008, 1:31 am
- Re: Epoxy: a mistake ------WebKitFormBoundaryE6+zs