: Why waste a good, large,clear, old-growth board.
Because the wood is beautiful! I will probably go buy some for the other boat though. I just hate to use this now that I have seen it.
: Now that you are engaged in the time
: consuming fitting of those little pieces, can I tempt you to try something
: which is much faster? I'll ask you about this again--probably sometime in
: the middle of when you are trying to sand all those parts smooth. Just
: wondering :0
LOL Well I would lie if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind.
This actually hasn't been that bad. I got really frustrated on my first attempt at the walnut strips. I made some (newbie) mistakes and my pride got to me. I was thinking I can build furniture and I can't lay down 4 strips without messing up and having to start over?? But I learn quick.
I am working on a design for a strip double paddle canoe. Of course I have to finish my nieces/guest/freinds kayak first. Then my wife has made it clear that the Cherry TV console is NEXT! But if I built it stapleless.... I could work on both at once.
Just a glutton for punishment
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: End grain really matter? *Pic*
Kudzu -- 5/1/2008, 11:33 am- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/1/2008, 4:24 pm- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Kudzu -- 5/1/2008, 4:54 pm- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/1/2008, 5:19 pm- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Kudzu -- 5/1/2008, 5:34 pm- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/1/2008, 5:56 pm- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Kudzu -- 5/1/2008, 6:36 pm- Canoe design
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/2/2008, 12:58 am- Re: Canoe design
Kudzu -- 5/2/2008, 5:47 pm
- Re: Canoe design
- Canoe design
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?
Etienne Muller -- 5/1/2008, 1:43 pm
- Re: S&G: End grain really matter?