Re: Strip: Rowing Shell
In Response To: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell (Ned Smith)
Just for the shell of it, do a Google search on "Pocock shells Port
Townsend" and "Northwest Maritime Center"
Pocock donated its molds and tooling-and a lot of rare materials--to the Center a few years ago, They have some good pictures of these in use
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
Ned Smith -- 9/11/2008, 10:27 am- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell *LINK*
Bruce Moffatt -- 10/3/2008, 8:33 am - Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell *LINK*
KenC -- 9/14/2008, 7:28 pm - Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/12/2008, 11:44 am- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/12/2008, 11:54 am - Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
Kent LeBoutillier -- 9/12/2008, 11:48 am
- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
Bill Hamm -- 9/12/2008, 1:18 am - Re: Strip: Rowing Shell
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/11/2008, 11:58 am - Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell------WebK *LINK*
Mike Bielski------WebKitFormBoundaryOT+Dwe4Vn+fuu+ -- 9/11/2008, 11:57 am- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell - Flayak
Tommy -- 9/11/2008, 10:10 pm
- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell - Flayak
- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/11/2008, 11:45 am - Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell *LINK* *Pic*
Glen Smith -- 9/11/2008, 11:31 am
- Re: Strip: Strip Planking a Rowing Shell *LINK*