Date: 12/21/2008, 2:26 pm
: I'm an an experienced sea kayaker but an absolute newby in building
: kayaks--I've developed an obsession with building either a strip or a
: plywood boat--I need something at least 17 feet long and no more than 22
: inches wide--also want a Greenland type design--I'm looking at kits rather
: than building one from scratch due to my limited ability with tools---the
: redfish King really appeals to me but I know nothing about these
: kits--does anybody here have any experience building one? all comments
: will be appreciated
Daren Neufeld has done an extensive build log of the king:

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: advice on Redfish King
Jon Sprague -- 12/21/2008, 7:36 am- Re: Seeking: advice on Redfish King *LINK*
BobKayes -- 12/21/2008, 8:32 pm- Re: Seeking: advice on Redfish King *Pic*
mike allen -- 12/21/2008, 2:26 pm- Re: Seeking: advice on Redfish King *LINK*
tony olsen -- 12/21/2008, 10:25 am- Re: Seeking: advice on Redfish King
MikeO -- 12/21/2008, 10:18 am - Re: Seeking: advice on Redfish King *Pic*
- Re: Seeking: advice on Redfish King *LINK*