Purpose built stands, no table because I want to be able to reach under the boat easy and see what it going on. Site down the hull looking for imperfections in the lines, etc.
Now the draw back is there is no place to lay your tools. You will walk around the boat HUNDREDS OF TIMES to get a tool. Of course you going to walk around a lot anyway. But I sometimes I just squat (not as easy as it used to be) and duck under rather than walk around.
Of course you could put a board between the stands to use as a shelf. I was never smart enough to think of this till now But one of my next projects is going to be a roll around cart. Probably 2' square or 2' x 3'. Just a flat top and a couple of shelves for stuff. Put it on wheels and just tall enough not to hit the boat. It will stay under the boat where I can reach it from both sides.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Advice on Work Tables
HondaFamily88 -- 12/24/2008, 10:30 am- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables
Bill Hamm -- 12/27/2008, 11:22 am- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables *Pic*
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 12/27/2008, 12:26 pm
- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables
John Van Buren -- 12/26/2008, 6:15 pm- Stands, no tables for me *Pic*
Kudzu -- 12/26/2008, 10:05 am- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables
LeeG -- 12/25/2008, 10:03 am- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables
Fred -- 12/24/2008, 1:40 pm- Advice on Work Tables
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/24/2008, 11:33 am- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables *LINK*
Charles Cooper -- 12/24/2008, 11:21 am - Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables *Pic*
- Re: Seeking: Advice on Work Tables