Re: Other: paddled today *Pic*
In Response To: Re: Other: paddled today *Pic* (PatrickC)
: Good stuff.
Yep! Here's a me 'n' my Merlin shot doin' the redfish on the fly thing. Them sleigh rides is FUN!!

Messages In This Thread
- Other: paddled today
Clayton Plunkett -- 1/2/2009, 8:51 pm- Paddled with dolphins yesterday
Allan -- 1/3/2009, 3:28 pm- Hmmm...
Robert N Pruden -- 1/5/2009, 8:04 pm
- Re: Other: paddled today *Pic*
PatrickC -- 1/2/2009, 11:03 pm- Re: Other: paddled today
Bill Hamm -- 1/4/2009, 12:41 am- Re: Other: paddled today *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 1/3/2009, 6:27 pm- Mmphth...grrrrr....ulpgh, glukutch...err...
Robert N Pruden -- 1/5/2009, 8:01 pm- Re: Mmphth...grrrrr....ulpgh, glukutch...err...
Gennie -- 1/6/2009, 11:13 am- It was that image of Kurt fishing...
Robert N Pruden -- 1/6/2009, 5:26 pm- Re: It was that image of Kurt fishing...
Greg H -- 1/6/2009, 11:44 pm
- Re: It was that image of Kurt fishing...
- It was that image of Kurt fishing...
- Re: Mmphth...grrrrr....ulpgh, glukutch...err...
- Re: Other: paddled today
george jung -- 1/3/2009, 3:11 pm - Re: Other: paddled today *Pic*
- Hmmm...
- Paddled with dolphins yesterday