: I am currently building a guillemot and would like some other views. I have
: finished glassing the hull, separated deck and hull and glassed the inside
: of the deck. I am thinking that I will glass the outside of the deck and
: overlay the shear strips with a couple of inches glass instead of glassing
: the deck than connecting the two with a 2 inch strip of glass.
: Any thought on this methods would be appreciated.
: Ryan Scott
: N.W. California
I always do it this way if I have a sheerclamp to do it with.
one benefit is that the deck is more flexible with only the inside glassed and will conform to the hull with less force.
If you follow my link you can see the process as well as the method I use for feathering the overlap as well

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Glassing deck
Ryan Scott -- 1/16/2009, 2:55 pm- Re: Strip: Glassing deck *LINK* *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 1/19/2009, 12:32 pm- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 1/21/2009, 7:39 am- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Bill Hamm -- 1/22/2009, 2:23 am- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Etienne Muller------WebKitFormBoundary3t+uojWj1lA6 -- 1/21/2009, 3:27 pm - Re: Strip: Glassing deck
- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Ryan Scott -- 1/19/2009, 3:30 pm- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Etienne Muller------WebKitFormBoundary3t+uojWj1lA6 -- 1/21/2009, 3:39 pm- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Bill Hamm -- 1/22/2009, 2:20 am
- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Etienne Muller -- 1/19/2009, 12:37 pm - Re: Strip: Glassing deck
- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 1/17/2009, 10:50 am- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Don Goss -- 1/17/2009, 10:17 am- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
skiffrace -- 1/16/2009, 8:47 pm- Re: Strip: Glassing deck
Roger -- 1/16/2009, 7:09 pm - Re: Strip: Glassing deck
- Re: Strip: Glassing deck *LINK* *Pic*